Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Perhaps the most difficult part about my new job has to be this business of actually getting business done. At Starbucks, it was easy. I had supervisors to tell me when to work and when to take a break. There was little down-time, and certainly no room for distraction. On the downside I felt like a rusty old latte-makin’ robit (or “robot” for those born after 1950).

Now, I’m my own boss (sort of – I still answer to Mr. Paduta) and I’m forced to create *gulp* my own schedule.

This would be easy if I had an office to go to, but about 90% of the work I do is on my computer, and from home. And, to make matters worse, I am easily distracted. For example, this blog or what our grandparents might call an “electric hobby” – after typing in the title to this installment of S.P.M.B I was quickly reminded of one of my favorite 80s songs, which then led to me to find this gem of a music video, THEREBY distracting me from my original distraction. Enjoy:

Fitting, no?

Stuffy African-American woman looking to spice up her life goes to Billy Idol’s less attractive older brother (a.k.a. the devil) at his Burton-esque office to have her wildest dreams fulfilled only to be led ASTRAY by the wickedness of temp-ta-tion!

Pretty spot on, except I could never pull off that be-sequined number she asked the devil for. Nor that hairdo, might I add.

In the spirit of this distraction, I figured this post should be ALL about my various temptations in a sort-of Catholic attempt at penance – a list of those things that keep me from that other thing I should probably be doing right now. I’ll narrow it down to five, because I’m sure there are things you need to do too, right . . ?

Shoulder Pads Mean Business

Nothing says “don’t do work” like a blog inspired by women who do imaginary work on television. Thank you Murphy Brown!

The Netflix “Watch Instantly” Queue

You see, I start with one movie in mind, and then Master Netflix computer offers me dozens of other suggestions I’ve never heard of which only leads me to research the likes of Goddard, Kurosawa, and what the heck “Caligula” is all about. This then results in a standard-issue panic attack, caused by the fear of dying before I get to see every movie/television series on my queue.
Podcasts, podcasts, PODCASTS!
Thanks to a very good friend of mine (you know who you are) I have recently downloaded a BUNCH of podcasts. How-ever, do any of you realize just how many G.D. podcasts there are? And how behind I am for that matter? There’s “I Love Movies” with Doug Benson, and “Comedy and Everything Else” and “SModCast” and . . .
Yep. You guessed it. Another panic attack.
But, I think I have this figured out. I will listen to a new podcast every time I work-out (which is supposed to be everyday). That way I keep up on my pod-pop culture while getting my swell on at the gym.
Now, sifting and downloading is another story.
Country Life™

I can’t help it! Would you just look at my farm?!? I have carrots, grapes, tomatoes, and corn. Oh, and did I mention a cheese maker???

Last but certainly not least . . .

My Family and Friends

They are great! I love having dinner and watching “Two and a Half Men” with them or going out to the Lavender district to see which straight boy can “gay-up” the most free drinks (i.e. friends – I don’t do this with my family). I even enjoy a nice game night with either group of real live people.

[Who am I kidding? This last category was my attempt at not looking like such a creepy, nerdy loner. Which reminds me: comic books get an honorable mention on my list of temptations. Oh, and video games. Can’t forget about video games.]

Back to work.


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